marți, 11 decembrie 2007

Scientific event organized by the Group for Interdisciplinary Science, Romanian Commission for UNESCO, part of BIRD2008 Conference


(PErturbations,TRansitions,INtervention -PETRIN '08


Important aspects in information theory and control theory appeared by studying the behaviour of biological systems. The classical control loop is a good example presenting the methods used by biological entities for controlling certain functional parameters in different circumstances. The further development of control theory and of dynamical models led to important achievements in the study of evolutionary processes. However, some modern aspects in physics (quantum theory) and mathematics (wavelets, fractal theory) imply a more profound approach of transitions and short range phenomena both in materials science and in natural (biological) systems.
The mathematical formalism of Impulsive Systems tries to use the rigorous aspects from Continuous Systems formalism and the wide range of applications of Discrete Systems formalism also. They were introduced due to the fact that many evolution processes are characterized by the fact that at certain moments of time they are subject to short-term perturbations (having the form of external impulses). It is known, for example, that many biological phenomena involving thresholds, bursting rhythm models in medicine and biology, optimal control models in economics, frequency modulated systems present impulsive effects. Thus impulsive differential equations, (involving impulse effects) can describe evolution of many scientific and technical phenomena.
Yet the study of such abrupt changes must be completed with logical, mathematical and technical aspects connected with the moment of action of such impulsive external commands.
For modelling such changes (transitions) in an accurate manner, specific dynamics on limited time interval is required. It must be taken into account the fact that bioinformatics should join together both statistical aspects (well known in natural sciences from thermodynamics theory and quantum theory) and deterministic aspects (descrobing the evolution of systems by differential equations, similar to classical mechanics). As a particular aspects for biological systems, aspects connected with the so-called free-choice (for human systems0 and external intervention (for human and biological systems) should be added . This implies the use of an accurate dynamics of perturbations, intervention and transition in multi-scale systems, so as deterministic aspects and stochastic aspects to be merged into an unitary model of the Proper Time of Intervention. (a very useful concept for human action).
The Workshop Dynamical Aspects of Perturbation, Intervention and Transition in Biological Systems is intended to emphasize the necessity of joining together deterministic and stochastic methods in an accurate multi-scale approach for modelling perurbations, transitions and interventions in biological systems.

The PETRIN'08 Workshop represents a major scientific event organized by Group for Interdisciplinary Science,
Workshop organizer: Cristian Toma, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Bucharest
Paper Submission Details:
Authors are invited to submit original research contributions or experience reports in English.
The submitted manuscript should closely reflect the final paper as it will appear in the proceedings of BIRD’08.
Papers should not exceed 10 pages (strictly) in LNBI-format.
Any submission that exceeds length limits or deviates from formatting requirements may be rejected without review.
All accepted conference papers will be published in "Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics" (LNBI) by Springer Verlag. Formatting guidelines for LNCS/LNBI authors may be found at the web page,10735,5-164-2-72376-0,00.html
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.Authors are requested to submit their contribution electronically before January 31, 2008. Paper submission site will be online in December.

Important Dates:
Submission of Full Papers: January 31, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2008
Camera-ready Copies: April 15, 2008
For information regrading the submission procedure and the regiustration fee, please visit the web page

luni, 10 decembrie 2007

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